Thursday, September 24, 2009


Is it just me or does it seems as if people are less considerate to others? Quite frankly I have developed a low tolerance for people with no home training. There are different levels in which consideration for others is lacking. Let me touch upon a few:

Lateness – it is not considerate to hold up someone else if you decide to be fashionably late to an event. Some people do like to be on time. If you are running a little late, that is ok, just let somebody know! A phone call, a text message, an email, smoke signals or something! There are so many ways to communicate now-a-days that there should be no excuse why you cannot tell someone that you are running late. On another note, if you know you are suppose to be somewhere at a certain time, don’t roll out of bed 10 minutes before you are supposed to be there. That my friend…is inconsiderate!

Attitudes – just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, does not mean you need to take it out on the world. Don’t be rolling your eyes at me because you didn’t get your way or you had an argument with your man. I had nothing to do with it. Taking your problems out on other people is RUDE! They did nothing to you and do not deserve to get the wrath of the fire breathing dragon within you. I’m not saying go around acting like Mary Poppins, but just be cordial and have enough courtesy to be nice to others who are innocent! Check the attitude at the door and maybe you won’t make so many enemies. Having a mean mug on your face all day is not a friendly or approachable look! People will not want to be bothered with you, even if you are the sweetest person on the inside. If your mean mug is on 24/7, trust and believe that people will keep their distance.

Communication – sometimes it is not easy to let people you care about know how you truly feel. You may want to try and avoid hurting their feelings. By staying quiet you think you are sparing them the hurt. WRONG! You will find yourself in more problems then if you would just have told the truth from the beginning. The way I see it, anything can be said to anybody…it just matters how it is said. Being upfront from the beginning will make a huge difference, especially when it comes to relationships. My boy just got kicked to the curb after a year because the girl he was with just up and decided she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. That doesn’t make any sense. Obviously she was feeling some kind of way for a while. You just don’t wake up one day and say I want to be single after a year. When feelings change, people should communicate. Talk things through and see if changes can be made. I believe many friendships and relationships could be saved if people just learned to communicate! The truth shall set you free!

Hygiene – now this is a touchy subject, but damnit I am going to address it. Muskiness is not kool people! If you just worked out at the gym, don’t expect to still be fresh after you just sweated it out for about 40 minutes. I don’t need you next to me smelling musky. Take a damn shower and get zestfully clean! Don’t try to hide or mask your musk with body sprays or oils. That makes it worse! Additionally, deodorant is your friend! Invest in a speed stick and make all of us happy when you raise your arms. Bathroom courtesy is on the top of the list. I hate it when I walk into the ladies room and there is pee on the seat…turds in the bowl…tampon wrappers on the floor, toilet paper trails heading towards the door, etc…etc..etc… People are grown and don’t know how to clean up after themselves. If they make a mess in a public bathroom, I would hate to see how they keep the bathroom in their own house. Just nastiness! This lacks courtesy as other people have to use that bathroom. It irks me even more when I have a child and she says she has to go to the bathroom when we are out. I hate to say it, but I have to ask her to try and hold it until we get home as I am afraid she might catch something from those public bathrooms. I reiterate…No consideration whatsoever!

Mistakes – people are liable to make mistakes. Don’t go chopping off heads when someone makes a mistake. It’s called human error. Nobody is perfect. Be considerate enough to realize that people have a lot going on in their life. No need to dramatize and make it seem like the world is about to end. Everyone has a bad day and things might now go as planned. Be considerate enough to allow people to have those moments where things may just not be going right for them. Mistakes are sometimes hurtful in time or in money, but when there is a mistake, there is always a resolution. It may set back plans a little or cause more effort to be made, but the damage is down and it should not be dwelled upon. Forgiveness is important and taking mistakes as a learning lesion is important to ensuring the mistake can be prevented again. Be considerate to what others go through in their own lives!

Consideration is needed in order to respect one another. When consideration is gone out the window, it can come off as discourteous, disrespectful and rude! Check yourself so that you don’t fit into any of my categories above, but also so people do not see you as being totally inconsiderate!