Sunday, September 20, 2009


Depression is a serious disease that plagues many people. Some people do not realize how serious depression can be. This disorder ruins lives and it is something that is hard to control. Emotions period…are hard to control. In an article from, is it said that one in five Americans are depressed or unhappy.

The survey involved almost 2,000 adults in six major US cities. Overall, 12% of those interviewed met the criteria for clinical depression, and 10% suffered from what Seidman calls frequent low mood. Signs of this can include difficulty sleeping, poor appetite, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, and an ongoing case of "the blues." (

The article surveyed people in New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Houston, Minneapolis, and Phoenix. The groups that reported the highest rates of low mood were people aged 18 to 24 (19%), the unemployed (18%), members of unmarried couples (17%), and women (13%).

Stress is a big part of being emotional and depressed. It is the feeling as if you cannot do anything or don’t have control over anything. Some people may feel blue, but many people are clinically depressed and don’t even realize it. The constant feeling of being sad or sorry for yourself can affect ones self more than they realize.

Earlier this month the Archives of General Psychiatry released a much publicized study that one in 10 Americans is now taking antidepressants within the course of a year, making antidepressants the most prescribed kind of medication in the country. (Barber, 2009)

Why are so many Americans feeling this way? Why must so many be medicated? Is it the economy? Is it the lack of jobs on the workforce? The constant need of appreciation that is non-existent for many? Could it be the growing obesity in this country? So many factors lead to people being depressed. Stress can often lead to depression as well.

People do not take this disorder seriously. Emotions play a big part of how people carry themselves and interact socially. Ever wonder why that person in the corner of the room looks gloomy all the time? Do you know what goes on in their world? Ever wonder why people are not paying attention? Well often times they need help. Those who are not educated on depression do not see it as something to make a fuss about. Unfortunately, it is. Clinical depression, if not treated, can lead to suicidal thoughts or even suicidal actions. It is sad when someone cannot get by without taking a pill to ease their sorrowful thoughts.

If any of the following symptoms of depression are noticed, seek help as soon as humanly possible.

• A constant sadness
• No pleasure in anything
• Crying, feeling hopeless or constant negativity
• A decrease in energy levels
• Lack of concentration or ability to make decisions
• Sleep patterns that are disturbed (too much or too little sleep)
• Change in appetite and/or weight

If you or someone you know has any of the symptoms, do not feel ashamed to seek help or treatment. Know that many people out there suffer the same thing and depression can be managed. Emotions are hard to control and not everyone has the coping mechanisms to deal with life’s difficulties all the time.