Monday, May 24, 2010


What’s your name? Can I get to know you? I think you’re cute. Can I have your number? Those classic lines all start the potential to “dating”. We all take chances when we meet someone that catches our eye or attention. However, dating is not what it used to be. There is no talking for hours on end and sharing a milkshake at the nearby burger joint. Nope!

Welcome to dating 2010. Where you are expected to drop the panties on the first night and be ready to get married by the 2nd date. Men and women expect different things out of a relationship. The differences cause a mix-match of intentions and lack of meaningful relationships. Broken hearts are the in thing and booty calls are the in thing.

It’s not just men anymore who would rather get a good bedroom romp in and move onto the next one. This is come about from many hurt hearts who are trying to avoid a relationship like it’s the plague. You can’t get hurt if you don’t put your heart out there, right? Well, many women in today’s society feel used and abused. Many men have danced around commitment long enough to create a generation of women who refuse to be held down by a relationship. Women have made the decision to have their cake and eat it to now. Why settle for a false relationship when you get the maintenance without the drama?

On the other hand, men are being scared away from settling down. Women are rushing the thought of marriage and commitment as soon as the first date. As soon as they meet the guy, they are sizing them up to see if they are marriage and father material. They are already envisioning the house with the picket fence and the 2.5 kids. I can’t blame a man for running when their life is already being planned for them after just one date.

Expectations from the opposite sex are hindrances to finding the compatible mate. People already have in their mind the type of person they are looking for. Whether it be physical, financial or personality traits, their soul mate must have those qualities. Unfortunately, many people are often disappointed as they cannot find the perfect someone to meet their expectations. Not having an open mind when dating narrows the candidates and one could feel helpless in a sea of un-potential men and women. For instance, Chili from TLC, has a shopping list of qualities that a man must have in order to even be considered. This explains why she is still single. It’s ok to have some preferences, but they should not make or break the possibilities. No one is perfect and finding that person to fit EVERY preference could leave you lonely for a long time.

You can tell that many people are desperate to find love from all the crazy reality shows that have swarmed tv networks. It started with The Bachelor and shows like Flava of Love, Tila Tequila, Tough Love, Rock of Love, etc…People cannot just find that special someone by running into them anymore. They are now lining up candidates and having them battle it out for a chance at love. Now tv addicts…have we learned something here? All reality love shows end up not working or several sequels. Uh…I don’t think dating shows are working either?

So what’s the problem? Are there so many incompatible people out there? Are relationship priorities that screwed up? I say that our expectations are too high. Dating is not dating anymore; especially with the increased use of technology. I previously wrote a blog about the use of texting and social networks taking the place of human interaction. People are so depending on hiding behind the computer screen and the cell phone keypad that they lose their social interaction skills. People would rather text back and forth at the dinner table then actually hold a conversation and deal with real emotions.

What happened to going to dinner or catching a movie? There is nothing wrong with a picnic in the park or even a stroll on the beach. Now people settle for some drinks and 4 hours at the nearest motel for a rendezvous. I have heard many people give up on dating just because the lack of effort is not there or people are just disappointments. Can we ever regain the art of courting again? Not too many people believe in old-fashioned dating. Guess all the single people have to settle for the occasional booty call and nothing more….