Saturday, August 8, 2009

Product of your Envionment – August 8, 2009

The saying goes that you are a product of your environment. This could apply to a number of topics. I will touch upon 2 that I have personally experienced. When is to do with your physical surroundings and the other is the company you keep.

When your space is messy and cluttered, you seem to be the same way. Can’t think straight, feel overwhelmed and cluttered? Thoughts are not focused and everything that happens seems to be a mess. If you take the time to reorganize and filter out the clutter, this can make you feel less overwhelmed. I recently took the time to reorganize my bedroom and I feel much better. I positioned furniture to give me more space and I love it. I do not feel so claustrophobic anymore and it makes a difference in how I feel. I don’t start my day looking at a small space or a mess nor do I go to bed seeing it. The time I took to clean and reorganize, made a bunch of a difference in my thoughts and how I felt. Try this and it may help. Even at work, we went through musical work stations and if forced everyone to do a mass clean up of their cubes. I know I felt better dumping papers I no longer needed only to make space for...Nothing! Yes, open space is very nice to look at instead of a pile of paperwork!

On another note, let’s evaluate people. Everyone knows that people affect us in different ways. Does your life seem full of drama all the time? Does that one person always has trouble following them? Maybe its time to re-evaluate the company you keep. People can add stress to your lives and make you seem on edge constantly. You shouldn’t feel like you need battle armor just to go out with your so-called buddy. If they are not enhancing your life and complimenting your personality, then it’s time to face the facts. That person or people are a liability! They are constantly bringing negativity to your environment. This is something that you don’t need in your life. Many times we out grow friends as people change or don’t change. Maturity and responsibility comes at different times for various people. No one should try to change someone, but it’s ok to move on.

I have been trying to do some soul searching. So far it’s going good. I am trying to recognize who and what is not beneficial to my life. I am trying slowly but surely to remove everything that causes me stress. Some things we have to live with…such is life. However, look at whom and what is disposable and do a major clean up! You will feel much better and then ask yourself, “Why didn’t I do this before?”


KayJay said...

Great read...

I just did some cleaning in my room this past week & had that same epiphany. Not to mention, it gave me time to think about future moves & plans. And it also gave me more ideas to give myself more space.

Soul Searching = Something that needs to be done often.
As far as people, my inner cirlce is etched in stone. Luckily for me, I came to that realization that some people aren't gonna be of benift to me, so there's no use to keep them around.