Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today I look around and see that so many kids are left with no direction. I was having a conversation with a good buddy of mine and we got to talking about children with no guidance. Parental figures are no longer providing guidance nor or the so-called teachers. I can only shake my head at the thought of un-guided minds wondering aimlessly throughout life.

Could lack of direction be the reason why ambition is lacking in this generation? Could it be that parents are too busy? Could it be that missing parent? Could it be that divorces have put the children through agony? Could it be that teachers don't care anymore? Could it be the wrong influences intoxicating the minds of the youth today?There are so many factors that COULD be the cause. Whether it's one or all of the above, there is an issue with the youth. They lack the attention that they need to be strong and independent. We have too many children being followers and not enough being leaders!

If I go to the mall I see females in tight cloths or mini shorts and skirts. You have to ask...where is their parents? Surprising enough, mom is right next to them wearing the same thing. I have to shake my head as that is the wrong message to send to a young female. Wearing that type of clothing brings the wrong attention. Men will ogle and stare, however their thoughts will be negative and not a loving intention. Men will think of the quickest way to get you outta them tight shorts. Older men at that. Because when you dress like that, men cannot tell what age you are. You are not dressed like a girl but a woman showing off her assets like a hooker on the street. In this scenario, where is the guidance? Someone needs to let these young ladies know that they are portraying to the world that they do not have respect for their own bodies or themselves. Classy is the way to leave things to the imagination. Trust and believe respect is given to those who show respect for themselves.

On the other hand, I went to the movies a while ago and saw a young man with his boxers showing and his jeans hanging underneath his butt. Not to mention he was sporting around in just a wife beater. How could someone take this young brotha seriously? I sure nuff didn't.  This disturbed me something serious. I am one to prove stereotypes wrong, but this young brotha fit right into the black male stereotype. Once again...where was the guidance? Someone should've told this young brotha that he is representing himself in the wrong way.

There are so many instances that I can go into where the lack of guidance to youths today have affected society. Since when has it been cool to be stupid? Even when I was in high school, people hated on me because I was smart. Sorry, but people have fought and gave their lives for me to sit and learn. Having the opportunity to learn is a special gift. The guidance from the teachers are no longer there. I remember when I had some teachers who actually cared about the students.'s just that has a paycheck for them.

My daughter came home from school this past year and said the teacher called the class babies and they are not ready for 3rd grade. I was furious! Teachers are suppose to uplift the children and show them their worth. No, we have teachers talking down to our children and they wonder why kids hate school. It makes no sense to me. The guidance is lacking or is negative.Our children need to be shown the right way. They need that village to raise a child. That old saying no longer exists. Everyone ignores the problems in their communities but holds tight to the no snitching saying. Instead we should be taking these youngsters under our wing and showing them the right path.Though times are rough, children still need to be raised. They need to be taught the lessons of life and how to deal with them. Hustlin is not a job. Playing xbox is not going to make your mind stronger. Chatting with people on facebook, myspace, and twitter is not going to broaden your horizons.

Michelle Obama did not make it to the white house with her husband by wearing tight shorts and hanging at the mall. We need more positive role models. We need more free community centers to give these children a place where they can grow to their full potential.We have to do our part and provide the guidance that our children and their friends need. We need to shape the world to be better than it has been. We need to make the best outta the youth today to mold a better future for them. Guidance is the only answer...