Saturday, June 6, 2009


It’s funny how we all need some motivation in order for us to get back to our meaning in life. I have spent so much time and energy in trying to make money that I began to stress myself. It seems pointless now that I look back and think about it. Why should I have stressed myself? I was paper chasing and trying to advertise my business. I was becoming frustrated as people were just not taking me seriously.

It wasn’t until a certain somebody asked to see my written work. When I showed it to him, he fell in love with my words and instantly began to motivate me to get back into it. Writing is definitely my passion and what I feel is my destiny. Lately, I have gotten so wrapped up in doing what it takes to pay the bills, but lost myself in the process. I was on an emotional roller coaster as I felt like all I do is work, work, and work some more. I was not having a feeling of fulfillment.

Writing is my outlet. It is how my soul expresses itself. My imagination and creativity have been dormant since I have been “on the grind”. Anyone who knows me, can attest that I am constantly on the grind. Now back to the motivation. There is a time and place for everything and I believe that everything happens for a reason. I don’t know if this person is in my life for a reason, but he had definitely encouraged and supports me in pursuing my writing. This past week I have wrote another erotic short story and I felt a sense of accomplishment. The passion has been resurrected and has brought me to decide to put my business on hold and concentrate on sharing my creativity with the world.

I feel free when the words manifest themselves from my mind and leak through my fingertips to the screen before me. Many enjoy my writings, whether its poetry or my erotica, and look forward to my new works. The motivation from one person has created a trickle effect, as now some of my best peoples are encouraging me to get back into my writing. I thank everybody for supporting me so much. I take great pride in what I do and I feel blessed to have such great motivators!

It’s funny how things happen. One day I am gung ho on making moves with my business and then the next I am ready to drop everything to pursue my passion. It all comes down to the fact that we all should follow our destiny and do what we are put on this earth to do. My destiny and passion lies within the power of words. Think about what matters most to you and where your passion lies. Are you fulfilling your destiny or hindering it? That is a very important question to ask oneself. If not, then evaluate things and make the adjustments to satisfy your desires.