Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Females Don't Get Along

The snarling as you walk by. The whispers and eye rolling…the up and down looks….and finally the sucking of the teeth. Common actions portrayed by many females when they are in the presence of another female. During my years on this earth I have sat back and observed irrational behavioral patterns performed by the female species. Being a female myself, I have to admit that I joined in such behaviors in my younger years. However, I try at ALL costs to avoid judging and treating people irrationally.

Many people ask if there is truth to the hype that females don’t and can’t get along…In my opinion I agree with that statement. I don’t personally have anything wrong with other females, but there are certain characteristics in PEOPLE that I try to avoid. It just so happens that females are the major culprits of possessing these negative traits.

Let’s start off with jealousy. Yes! Many females do not get along due to jealousy. Instead of complimenting each other and praising one another, they try to beat each other down. For instance, a female could walk into a room with nice shoes on. No big deal right? WRONG! Those females across the room are talking about her already… Instead of saying, “Those are some nice shoes” they assume…“Oh, she think she cute!” Pay close attention to the usage of my word “Assume”. A lot of thoughts are assumptions females make based on stereotypes or hearsay. I believe that intimidation that a female could be better than them makes the envy come out. Unfortunately, envy makes females do some nasty things to each other.

Personally I have had to deal with the “light skinned” factor. Let me break it down for you. All my life I have dealt with females saying, “Oh you think you better than us cuz you light skinned.” Ummmm No! No! and NOOO! Mind you these females never knew me.

On another note, anyone who knows me knows that I am usually a quiet person; kinda stay to myself. So I have also had to deal with the “she think she too good to talk to us” assumption.

My beef with females is that they use these assumptions and judgments to overshadow their own insecurities. I am not a sociologist or psychologist but I have observed a lot from dealing with different people.

I know many females who do not get along with females due to pettiness, shadiness, and the lack of ability to keep it real! I must say that one of the qualities that I treasure the most from my male friends is the fact that they don’t make a mountain out of an ant hill. Meaning…they don’t sweat the small stuff. Females on the other hand will blow up situations due to their emotional insecurities or the need to compete with each other. Females are real quick to throw up the “She is shady” card. What defines shady? defines Shady as the following: of dubious character; rather disreputable. Ok now with that said…what makes a female shady? It could be the fact that many females fight one minute and then expect everything to be ok the next day. Female’s feelings change quicker than you can flip a coin. Don’t let it be that time of the month, because a female will laugh one minute, cry the next, and an hour later be ready to beat a bytch down!

Another observation I have made is that females don’t want to hear that someone was talking about her. First and foremost, everyone talks about other people. Whether it be positive or negative, we are all protected by the first amendment. Freedom of speech! People are going to say whatever they want. What matters the most is HOW the person being talked about is going to handle the situation. Some shrug it off and let things be. Others are ready to swing fists and pull weaves out. We have all seen those clips on youtube with females going at each other. What for? Either it’s over a man, something that someone else said, or talking about each other behind their backs. None the previous items require the need to want to beat someone down. It’s all about how you handle the situations. I have seen females hold a grudge for years! “I remember back in elementary school when she broke my skip-it! Still can’t stand that heffa!” REALLY? After all this time you still upset about something so minor? Get over it and get over yourself!

Some females may be offended by my blog, but I speak the truth from what I observe. I say look at why you feel the way you feel about certain people and don’t judge everybody by what has happened in your past. Not every female is out to get you, take your man, or outshine you. Insecurity and envy can be your very downfall when dealing with people in general.