Friday, July 17, 2009


Family is an interesting concept. According to family is defined as parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not. Though reality is the definition of family does not state that this “family” gets along or lives harmoniously together. Truth is family can be a lot of things.

People often consider friends more as their family due to certain family situations. In other instances, non blood can be closer and less judgmental than one’s so called family.

I find that having distance from certain families can be beneficial to relationships. Secrets are kept because people can not handle the reality of their family members and their differences. Thus the term, black sheep, comes along. I find that many people consider themselves black sheep when compared to the rest of their family. It is sad when relationships fall apart or are nonexistent because people cannot accept each other for who they are. Why can’t family accept you for who you are and what you are into? Instead, they past judgment and preach on how you should live your life.

True family is supposed to be there through thick and thin and love you no matter what. Advice is good, but badgering and turning your back is another thing. We all have family members that we just do not get along with for different reasons. Is love still necessary when you cannot stand someone else? Do you have to “love” your family? This is some food for thought.

Why are friends in your corner more than family are? Why does your best friend know more about you than your sister or brother? There is something really wrong with this picture. Why can’t family come together and not feel the need to interfere in each other’s lives? Just be there and support each other no matter what.

What is the true definition of “FAMILY”?